Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hospital Course-Patient Education.

HOSPITAL COURSE:  The patient with past medical history of hypertension and seizure disorder presented with 3 days' of rash.  The patient had a recent seizure witnessed 7 days ago and was started on Keppra and phenytoin.  When the patient appeared in the emergency room, rash was generalized to unilateral eye, trunk, and bilateral legs with no ulceration present.  The patient was seen by dermatology who recommended discontinuing Keppra and phenytoin and continuing with prednisone 80 mg p.o. and Aquaphor for moisturization.  The patient was also given Benadryl 25 mg p.o. q.6 hours and neurology was consulted.  Neurology recommended the patient to be continued on Keppra 1000 mg p.o. b.i.d. as he had been on Keppra in 08/2015 and to obtain Keppra level and follow up with Neurology Clinic outpatient as well as EEG outpatient.  The patient's blood pressure remained stable during his hospital course.  The patient was hydrated with continuous IV hydration, normal saline 125 mL per hour and his normocytic anemia remained stable.  No signs of acute bleeding were present.
