Sunday, January 24, 2016

Talk Show with Nepali Model-Health Related

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:  The patient was taken to the operating room with IV fluids running.  Spinal anesthesia was found to be adequate.  She was prepped and draped in the dorsal supine fashion.  Pfannenstiel incision was made with a scalpel and carried down to the fascia with a scalpel.  The fascia was incised and extended laterally.  Two Kochers were placed on the inferior aspect of the fascia and the rectus muscle and pyramidalis was dissected off bluntly.  Attention was paid to the superior aspect of the fascia, which was elevated with Kocher clamps and rectus muscle dissected off bluntly.  The rectus muscle was divided in midline and entered into the peritoneal cavity bluntly.  There are no adhesions or bowel noted.  Upon entering to the vesicouterine peritoneum, again no adhesions.  The bladder blade was then placed.  Using Metzenbaum and pickups, the bladder flap was developed and the bladder blade was replaced.  The uterine incision was incised and extended bluntly to the cephalad region.  There was noted to be meconium fluid.  Infant was in the frank breech position.  Buttocks was delivered 1st and the legs were brought into the incision.  Infant was turned back down.  The arms were delivered and then the head was delivered atraumatically.  The infant was suctioned, cord was clamped and cut.  The infant was handed off to the waiting NICU team.  Cord segment was collected and cord blood.  The placenta was delivered with manual extraction and the laparotomy sponge was used to ensure removal of all placental membranes.  The uterus was closed with 0 chromic suture in running locked fashion and the 2nd stitch of the same in the imbricating fashion.  Good hemostasis was noted.  The cavity was then irrigated with warm water and again good hemostasis was noted.  The ovaries and tubes were normal bilaterally.  Attention was paid back to the uterine incision where good hemostasis was again noted.  The rectus muscle was closed with 2-0 Vicryl stitch in interrupted fashion.  The fascia layer was closed with 1 Vicryl stitch and the subcutaneous fat was closed with 3-0 chromic in 2 layers.  The skin was re-approximated with staples.  The patient tolerated the procedure well.  All counts were correct x3.  She was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
