Thursday, February 11, 2016

Gyanendra in Valentine Day

HEENT:  Pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light.  She had severe arcus senilis bilaterally.  The patient was pale.  She was anicteric.  Mucosa was dry.  Neck:  Supple.  There were no palpable lymphadenopathies.  CVS:  There was no JVD.  Heart sound S1 and S2 were heard.  There were no murmurs, rubs, or gallops.  Chest:  Clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezing or crackles.  There was no chest wall tenderness.  Abdomen:  Soft.  Was nondistended.  Bowel sounds were normoactive.  There was no rebound or guarding.  CNS:  The patient was drowsy, but mildly arousable.  She was oriented to place and person, but not to time.  GCS of 15/15.  Motor strength in the left upper extremity was 3/5.  Right upper extremity was 2+.  Left lower extremity was 2+.  Extremities:  Pulses were ??**524.79** on both sides.  The patient had pitting pedal edema of 2+ bilaterally.
