Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Health Education-Tips

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:  Vital Signs:  On arrival to the floor, blood pressure 154/84 systolic ranging from 136 to 154 and diastolic ranging from 68 to 84, temperature of 97.4, pulse 92, and respiratory rate of 16.  Intake was 340 and output was 0 mL.  General:  The patient is alert, responsive, and in no acute distress and lying in bed.  HEENT:  Pupils are equally round and reactive to light with no pallor and no icterus.  Neck:  Supple.  No lymphadenopathy.  CVS:  No JVD.  S1 and S2 normal.  2/6 pansystolic murmur heard best at the mitral area.  Pulmonary:  Clear to auscultation bilaterally.  No chest wall tenderness.  Gastrointestinal:  Soft, nondistended, and nontender.  Bowel sound is present in all 4 quadrants.  Neurological:  The patient is alert and oriented x3.  GCS is 15/15.  Extremities:  1+ pulses bilaterally with 1+ edema bilaterally in the lower legs.

INVESTIGATIONS:  Sodium 138, potassium 4.8, chloride 94, bicarbonate 29, BUN 58, creatinine 9.8, glucose 166, GFR of 7, calcium 9.5, and albumin 3.1.  VBG done in the ECA shows pH of 7.43, pCO2 of 47, CPK 122, CK-MB 1.7, myoglobin 243, troponin 0.07, BNP 3,233.  Hemoglobin 8.7. hematocrit 28, WBC 5.2, platelet 181, and MCV 89.9.  EKG shows sinus rhythm with 1st degree AV block with frequent PVC.


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