| 8:18 AM
Health tips_health education
fever, no chills, no sweats or fatigue.
The patient has 180-pound weight loss since the surgery in 2013. No eye erythema, discharge, blurriness, or
diplopia. No sinus pain, ear pain,
congestion, or rhinorrhea. CVS is
significant for palpitations occasionally and shortness of breath when she has
the pain. No wheezing, cough, sputum, or
hemoptysis. GI: As in HPI.
The patient admits to some dysuria.
No hematuria. No frequency or
urgency and states that she does have a yeast infection. She does have also headaches and dizziness
when she takes her psychiatric medications.
No numbness, tingling, or focal or neurological weakness. No rash, pruritus, pallor, jaundice,
abrasions, or lacerations. No stiffness,
myalgia, or arthralgia.
Significant for diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, depression,
social phobia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
History of gastric bypass in 2013.