Monday, April 4, 2016


A suspension is the act of suspending a human body from hooks that have been put through body piercings. These piercings are temporary and are performed just prior to the actual suspension.The process is very delicate and is typically done carefully by an experienced individual or professional of the field in order to avoid serious injury. Suspension may require and often has a small group who handle preparations and the process itself. The actual act of being suspended may take up a tiny portion of time compared to the time involved in preparation, though some people remain suspended for hours. The suspendee's body is studied to decide the proper placement, number, and size of metal hooks which are pierced into the skin to lift the person off the ground. Depending on the position in which the body is to be suspended, multiple hooks are sometimes located around the shoulders, upper arm, and back, as well as around the knees. Finding the proper hook placement and number involves basic geometry and an acute understanding of human anatomy and physiology, as well as the durability of the individual's skin. If the number of hooks are too few, the suspended individual's skin will be unable to withstand the body's weight and will rip.


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