| 9:46 AM
Lab values in human body Health tips_Health education
Showing sodium 142, potassium 4.6, chloride 99, bicarbonate 27, BUN 63,
creatinine 8.9, calcium 20.3, albumin 2, alkaline phosphatase 160, ALT 22, AST
29, total bilirubin 1.4, INR was 1.21.
His WBC 14.2, his neutrophil 64.2, hemoglobin 8.2, hematocrit 26.7,
platelets were 315. HIV was
nonreactive. His MRI of head was showing
no acute infarct, chronic right MCA infarct, occlusion of right ICA. His blood cultures dated 12/23/2014; 1 out of
2 is showing no growth, the other 1 is showing Gram-positive cocci in
cluster. His bronchial washing from
12/20/2014, fungal is negative. Sputum
from 20th, ??**582.25** normal respiratory flora. His central line catheter tip from 14/19, no
growth. Arterial line blood culture from
12/18/2014, no growth. Central line
catheter tip from 12/17/2014, no growth.
His urine culture from 12/15/2014, no growth. Blood culture from 12/15/2014, no
growth. His blood culture from
12/13/2014, no growth. His blood culture
from 12/12/2014, no growth. His chest
x-ray showing persistent volume loss of the left lower lobe, suspect left
pleural effusion as well as small right pleural effusion.