Saturday, January 23, 2016

What looks like in physical examination _ Medical Health

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:  Vital Signs:  Temperature____, blood pressure ___, and heart rate ____.  HEENT:  There is a 4 cm laceration on occiput.  Pupils are 3 mm bilaterally.  Pupils equal, round, and reactive.  There is no facial tenderness to palpation or blood in the nares.  No blood in the mouth.  No blood in the external auditory meatus.  The tympanic membranes are intact.  Cardiovascular:  Regular rate and rhythm.  Normal S1 and S2.  2+ DP pulses bilaterally and 2+ radial pulses bilaterally.  Chest:  Clear to auscultation.  No wheezes, rhonchi, or crackles.  Abdomen:  Soft, nondistended, and nontender to palpation.  No pelvic instability.  Rectal:  There is no blood in the anus.  Extremities:  5/5 strength bilateral upper and lower extremities.  Cervical spine is nontender, no stepoff.  T and L-spine nontender.  No bony stepoffs.
